Drive. Discipline. Focus. These core concepts represent the foundation for achieving success. As a military veteran, Kevin Barnett is no stranger to hard work and dedication. He proudly served for 20 years in the U.S. Army. During his tenure, he quickly climbed through the ranks, earning top decorations and awards, including four Meritorious Medals, three Army Commendation Medals, three Army Achievement Medals, six Good Conduct Medals, two National Defense Ribbons, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, three NCOES Ribbons, the Army Service Ribbon, three Overseas Ribbons, Combat Action Badge and the Drill Sergeant Identification Page.
Now retired, Kevin’s passion for excellence and leadership continues to shape every aspect of his life. While serving in the military, Kevin acquired key life skills, which has helped him to achieve many goals. He believes that these core skills can benefit others as well. And he has made it his personal life mission to provide a roadmap for others to achieve the same success he has. He is in the business of transforming lives through transforming minds. Kevin believes that everyone has the potential to be great. All they need are motivation, resources and the opportunity to help them get there. He has made it his personal life mission to help others reach their potential. He is committed to helping others live their life with purpose and helping them achieve their dreams.
How to Find Your Motivation
After a Setback
A setback is a setup for a comeback.” This is a great quote, made popular by motivational speaker Willie Jolley. All too often, when we have faced opposition, people love to throw positive affirmations your way. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with positivity. But it’s unrealistic to expect that when you’ve been thrown a series of unfortunate events, that you just bounce back within a matter of days. This is no slight against your motivation, or your desire to achieve your goals. It’s simply called life. And all human beings experience ups and downs. So how does one get back on track when they have lost their motivation?

Yes, you read that right. Instead of shooting for the moon, think about reaching for the stars. When you’ve lost your mojo, it’s important that you take baby steps to get back on track, so you don’t get too overwhelmed. Set small, yet achievable goals that you can complete daily. Once you feel like you need more of a challenge, you can begin to add more on your plate. And more importantly, don’t forget to reward yourself. After all, you’ve earned it. These small daily wins are what will give you the positive reinforcement you need to start feeling motivated again.

If you’ve been pounding the pavement hard for days, months, years, all in pursuit of your dreams, you may be a bit burned out. It’s okay to take a step back, and take a breather. Although you may love whatever it is you are trying to work towards, if you haven’t seen any results, it can truly steal your happy. Help relieve some of that stress by doing things that bring you joy daily or weekly. Find another creative project or hobby that you can take up. If you haven’t taken a getaway, do so now! You don’t have to spend a ton of money on a vacation. A nice weekend getaway to a beautiful, peaceful environment nearby may be just the medication you need to help you feel motivated again.

If you find that you are doing the same things over and over again to work towards your goals, but you’re not seeing any results, it may be time to revise your plan. Human beings have a habit of following the crowd. But perhaps the reason why you are not achieving your goals is because you keep trying to do things the way everyone else is doing them. You are the author of your own life. You can change the plot, and rewrite your story any way that you choose. Think about what makes you different and capitalize on that. For example, if you are an author and your novel has been rejected by every publisher, maybe you need to take an alternative path, and self publish for yourself. Or perhaps, you should stay on the same path, but you need to get more creative with your marketing efforts. Either way, to get excited about your goals, you’re definitely going to need a fresh start.