Failing is a key part of being successful. One shouldn’t be afraid to fail or let failure define you.
So many young people experience issues of poverty, an unstable home life, abuse and more. External pressures are constantly bombarding them, including messages that they aren’t good enough or worthy enough. These factors can lead to poor grades, poor behavior, and poor outcomes.
“D.R.E.A.M. is a way of thinking and being to create the life and success you want. Determination, Responsibility, Embracing Failure, Attitude and Motivation are the keys to finding the path to the best version of yourself.”
As a speaker, I identify the pressures on youth and the experiences that fellow classmates hold close. I share my own struggle to let them know they are not alone. I give examples of everyday situations the youth may find themselves in and the paths before them. I give them tools to handle these situations with the better results. And finally, I provide the hope of a future that doesn’t mirror their past and a window to a life full of promise.
My experience in the army as a Soldier and Drill Sergeant taught me how to manage my anger, adapt to changing situations, and to deal with a variety of people. It gave me the discipline I needed to overcome the challenges of my youth.
Author Talk/Book Signing
Schedule your (Living My Shadows: Dreams Do Come True Book) Signing
We do libraries, bookstores, and special events.
Come follow my journey through the foster care system, adoption, US Army, finding my biological parents and bringing both adoption/bio family together.
Kevin’s experiences in the foster care program, being adopted and succeeding in the US Military will motivate anyone that has experienced obstacles in life.
Contact me for booking information.
“I want to thank you for speaking to the young men at Coming of Kings. We are grateful for the time and effort you took to share your life story, thoughts and experiences with us. Please consider adding our group to your annual speaking tours. You are always welcome at our events. Sincere appreciation.”
Coming Of Kings